
Where must configure this function in Home Assistant?

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I'm trying to connect Home Assistant to Google IoT Core, Pub/sub...something!! I do not know. I have seen this repository with this cloud function that connects to BigQuery. I am using zigbee2mqtt in Home Assistant. I have always worked with Firebase and my cloud functions are javascript, not python. But it could be very useful for me to use python!! From where do you call this function in Home Assistant (I'm completely new sorry)
Thank you very much for any information that can help me and best regards!

ok maybe i am too late to answer this but after spending few days to figure it out I finally succeeded! The problem was that I had Google Cloud SDK Shell but missed some instructions on how to run the final step "function". What you need to do is that;

  1. Make a local copy of the repository
  2. adjust the dataset and table as mentioned in instructions
  3. When you do all the Google Cloud SDK Shell step make sure you also enable the authentication
  4. Make sure the service account that is used also has permissions to Big query data editor
  5. Then open the Google Cloud SDK Shell from your desktop search and go to the folder where you did the local copy of the rep. When you are in the right folder, then you need to run the final function given. That's when it works, otherwise it throws errors.