
Change style dynamically

barryrowlingson opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature request: is it possible to change the style after creating a layer? I'd like to show a map and then have a drop down of feature names, and then update the layer to colour by that feature, possibly with a different colour scale.

At present I don't think it can be easily done because the colour mapping info is stored in opts which has the scope of the L.choropleth constructor - changing mylayer.options and forcing a style update with mylayer.setStyle(mylayer.options.style) doesn't work. I can't actually see how a style function can get anything from the layer options, but my JS skills are poor, especially understanding scope in JS...

Hi Barry, that's an interesting question. I'm not entirely sure. The Choropleth method just extends the GeoJSON method, so I think if you do some googling on how you would change a GeoJSON layer dynamically, you could apply that approach to this module as well.