
Using large file with + 10000 polygons

soli004 opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried with a + 10000 polygons geojson file (22mb) it runs thru it all but the map freeze and I can not pan. I can zoom in and out but not pan. Is there a way to be able to use it with the geojson-vt to render it faster similar to http://bl.ocks.org/sumbera/c67e5551b21c68dc8299?

Hm, that's a rather large file. I think you'd run into this problem with L.geojson (Leaflet's built-in geojson support) generally, not just this choropleth plugin. You may want to look into TopoJSON. In #17, it looks like @bhaskarvk may have got TopoJSON to work.