
Demo: File not found

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Thanks @alexandre-mbm - did you get that URL from npmjs.org ? I believe I fixed it elsewhere, but I'll fix it there too (just seems silly that I have to increment the version to refresh the readme there)

I got the URL from GitHub's header. It still do not work.

oh my goodness I'm blind @alexandre-mbm. URL fixed! thanks :P

OK. Thanks. Congratulations by tool! I was seeking something like it time ago.

Thanks! I'm glad you found it useful

To be better for non programmers users, just someone to create builders from your demos, that receives GeoJSON data and makes possible choose a color palette like happens at colorbrewer2.org.

But, yes, I understand that your project is targeted to programmers.

@alexandre-mbm I don't quite understand - are you suggesting a feature or suggesting we integrate with colorbrewer2.org?

by the way @alexandre-mbm, cartodb.com has a super easy way to make a choropleth map for non programmers if you haven't seen it

A brother small project of this. No, I still will see the cartodb.com. Thanks!