Pinned issues
- 0
[Bug] css variable not foud
#150 opened by rbalet - 0
- 0
[Feature] optimise doc
#145 opened by rbalet - 0
[Feature] enhanced package.json
#143 opened by rbalet - 0
[Feature] Styling for the deny button
#142 opened by TobiasJu - 1
[EU] GDPR compliant cookie banner
#141 opened by TobiasJu - 1
Cookie-banner disabled by AdBlocker[Bug]
#136 opened by zewas-digital - 1
- 3
Support for SameSite property
#94 opened by moodymood - 18
[Bug] Needs to be Ivy compliant [Angular 16]
#134 opened by kwhjvdkamp - 0
[chore] Update to latest Nx version
#137 opened by tinesoft - 1
[Feature] Add mobileForceFloat option
#139 opened by AntoninoBonanno - 1
[Bug] Support for Angular 15
#132 opened by leoz2007 - 0
The automated release is failing 🚨
#133 opened by github-actions - 0
[chore] Setup Nx Dependency Check ESLint
#138 opened by tinesoft - 0
- 1
Does not save its own cookie on AWS amplify
#127 opened by JanEricNitschke - 3
- 0
[Bug] Restrictive `peerDependency` of `rxjs` causes conflicts with other packages
#129 opened by beyerleinf - 0
- 1
Cookie popup not appearing in published website
#128 opened by gregoryscode - 22
[Feature] Angular 14
#123 opened by Hartaxfr - 16
Always shows in angular universal
#88 opened by blasco - 2
[Bug] ccService.initializing, ccService.initialized and ccService.initializationError does not exist on NgcCookieConsentService
#122 opened by henning410 - 0
The automated release is failing 🚨
#124 opened by github-actions - 4
Stackblitz demo does not work
#69 opened by mightymatth - 2
- 2
- 4
It does not slide underneath in mobile browser
#77 opened by lorenzonet - 1
[Bug] Angular 13 not supported
#120 opened by jcb-entrnce - 0
[Bug] SSR - Cookie popup has not yet been instantiated. Cannot invoke {{methodName}}
#121 opened by exitlol - 9
- 2
- 5
- 0
ngx-Cookie Consent
#117 opened by MoatazAhmed90 - 1
Difficulties when trying to install develop branch
#113 opened by laagland - 3
How to check consent status?
#63 opened by Lempkin - 2
- 2
Incompatible with angular 10
#89 opened by JohnnyQQQQ - 1
- 3
- 0
Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security
#95 opened by elementalTIMING - 4
- 4
Cannot read property 'palette' of null
#75 opened by Kenji94 - 1
Cookie revoke button not hideable
#82 opened by Johnny99211 - 1
Multi Domain Support
#81 opened by rajeshkumaryadavdotcom - 5
- 4
Cannot set property 'onPopupOpen' of null
#76 opened by MDzyga - 2
Demo site cannot be run locally
#70 opened by mightymatth - 2
Not able to initialize the popup.
#73 opened by Navin-vis