
Unable to install Tink on mac m1: No such package '@tink_cc//integration/awskms'

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Hello! I am trying to install tink with these instructions but I am stuck with the following error:

  ERROR: /private/var/folders/df/8__p57z919x7nr5wnxl1x3xc0000gn/T/pip-install-lv2nmmve/tink_d70ed3ab546a44a1aebe52b53a33ad6a/tink/cc/pybind/BUILD.bazel:343:22: **no such package '@tink_cc//integration/awskms'**: Package is considered deleted due to --deleted_packages and referenced by '//tink/cc/pybind:tink_bindings.so'
  • I see a section on the installation page regarding awskms but I don't know how to incorporate that into my installation process
  • I'm simply running pip3 install tink
  • As per installation instructions I also installed bazel and protobuf/protoc

How do I install awskms/gcpkms so that I can install tink? I have also seen other issues saying that there isn't compatibility to install tink onto Mac M1s, so perhaps the issue is related? Thank you!

Python 3.9.6
bazel 5.3.2-homebrew
libprotoc 3.21.8
mac os 12.6

Expanded debug logs:

  DEBUG: Repository tink_cc instantiated at:
    /private/var/folders/df/8__p57z919x7nr5wnxl1x3xc0000gn/T/pip-install-ejuxi077/tink_09e7eb6dea3f49d0bc627663202cdbad/WORKSPACE:13:13: in <toplevel>
  Repository rule http_archive defined at:
    /private/var/tmp/_bazel_btseytlin/98ae362debc23f042ca20a738ea4bf26/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl:355:31: in <toplevel>
  Analyzing: target //tink/cc/pybind:tink_bindings (1 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)
  ERROR: /private/var/folders/df/8__p57z919x7nr5wnxl1x3xc0000gn/T/pip-install-ejuxi077/tink_09e7eb6dea3f49d0bc627663202cdbad/tink/cc/pybind/BUILD.bazel:343:22: no such package '@tink_cc//integration/awskms': Package is considered deleted due to --deleted_packages and referenced by '//tink/cc/pybind:tink_bindings.so'
  ERROR: Analysis of target '//tink/cc/pybind:tink_bindings' failed; build aborted:
  INFO: Elapsed time: 9.492s
  INFO: 0 processes.
  FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (37 packages loaded, 138 targets configured)
  FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (37 packages loaded, 138 targets configured)
  error: command '/opt/homebrew/bin/bazel' failed with exit code 1
  [end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: legacy-install-failure