
Push-based publish job is failing

detiber opened this issue · 7 comments

Expected Behaviour

Current publish job is referencing a non-existing s3 bucket and does not have credentials, example failure: https://github.com/tinkerbell/hook/actions/runs/559080308

@rawkode is on it asking CNCF for an AWS|GCP access to get an s3 bucket up and running for us.

the cncf/cluster repo is for requesting EM resources only, so I'm currently finding out the best course of action. I'll update later today.

was this fixed?

was this fixed?

We have access to a S3 bucket, details are on 1Password

Since we are using GitHub releases now, is this still needed?

I guess not, we can easily had a few lines together that parse the GitHub API and get a release URL to download.