
remove OSIE and replace with hook

Closed this issue · 2 comments

We have much faster development time with Hook and can easily support more functionality and hardware.

Expected Behaviour

The sandbox pulls a much smaller kernel/initramfs built by hook.

Current Behaviour

We default to OSIE, which is very large and cumbersome

Possible Solution

Upload a fresh hook to s3 and get a URL.. stick that URL in setup.sh

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)


Your Environment

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):

  • How are you running Tinkerbell? Using Vagrant & VirtualBox, Vagrant & Libvirt, on Packet using Terraform, or give details:

  • Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue:

Blocked by Hook not having a release workflow

Blocked by Hook not having a release workflow

Is this captured by an existing https://github.com/tinkerbell/hook/issues we can link to? I see some WIP prs that create images for kconfig, but I do not see any that publish images.

hook does not have any tagged releases. Perhaps this could be unblocked with a manual tagged release and image push.