
Archive tinkerbell/hub and move actions to dedicated actions repository

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The tinkerbell/hub repository contains Tinkerbell supported actions that are commonly used in provisioning. The repository was originally written to publish actions to https://artifacthub.io. Other code in the repository is tool based and used for generating and publishing the actions.

https://artifacthub.io explicitly advertises itself as a place to "Find, install and publish
Kubernetes packages".

  • Publishing to Artifact Hub feels slightly inappropriate given actions are not Kubernetes packages; instead we can publish to qya.io or ghcr.io.
  • The remaining tooling in the repository is around action generation. Given we rarely generate actions and those produced by third parties seem unlikely to use this tool it doesn't seem worthwhile to maintain.
  • With the repository publishing to a new registry and most of the code removed (excluding actions themselves), we can archive the hub repository in favor of a more easily repository identified name such as actions.

We revamped the hub repository including:

  • Renaming the repository to 'actions' (https://github.com/tinkerbell/actions)
  • Reworking the source to be a single Go module
  • Pushing builds to quay.io tagged with the commit
  • Builds every commit merged to main