
Command 'Vyper: Compile' resulted in an error (command 'vyper.compileContract' not found)

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I'm getting this error when trying to compile a vyper contract in VS Code with the tintinweb vyper extension.

Command 'Vyper: Compile' resulted in an error (command 'vyper.compileContract' not found)

My setup:
Python 3.8.6
Vyper 0.2.5+commit.a0c561c
VS code 1.50
Windows 10

Vyper is in my user path (running windows 10) and can be called directly if I open a terminal.
I installed Vyper through pip install vyper.

I don't use a virtual environment, as this is the only python / vyper project I'm doing on the machine

It also gives a source path error, with a leading /


I've deleted the extension folder named tintinweb.vscode-vyper-0.0.9 in VScode and also deleted it from my %user_profile%.vscode\extensions folder

It seems there are a couple of errors, scenarios below:

  1. Vyper: Compile from the command palette:

[Compiler Exception] TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined

I can not reproduce this outside of vsCode

  1. Saving a Vyper file:
    [Compiler Error] OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: "''\c:\temp\Scratches\banana.vy''"
    I can reproduce this on the command line. (see below).

Hey @DataBeast-IT,

thanks for reporting this issue.

I think the problem is that I am passing the uri.path instead of the filesystem path to the compiler. on *nix/macos this is actually the same that's why I don't see the error here. on windows it is different.

I believe this should be fairly easy to fix. Would you be down to testing the release candidate before I publish it to confirm that this is fixed?


How do I do that? ;-)

@DataBeast-IT here's a preview: vscode-vyper-0 0 10 vsix

  • download
  • rename from png to .vsix and install in vscode.

let me know if that fixes your problem.

I will check it on windows after the weekend, I have no access to that box at the moment.

Below is Linux!
(should this be splitted in a windows an linux issue btw?)
Just to make sure it still works on ubuntu I tried your 0.0.10 extension on my ubuntu 20 box.

2 scenario's:

  1. altering a .vy file, doing CTRL+S to save does not give a popup or error message.
    I'm not sure if it compiled at all.

  2. using command palette doing Vyper:Compile gives this error
    [Compiler Exception] TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined

after uninstalling the 0.0.10 version, deleting it from .vscode/extensions and reinstalling 0.0.9 the compile on save function works again.
Going through the menu tells me
[Compiler Exception] TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined

Generic question: When I compile, where does the compiled contract end up? No file is created in any directory. I checked /usr/local/bin where the vyper executable is located. Nothing to be found.

Generic question: When I compile, where does the compiled contract end up? No file is created in any directory. I checked /usr/local/bin where the vyper executable is located. Nothing to be found.

we take output artifacts from stdout.

the vsix I shared with you previously was broken. I've fixed a couple of issues, briefly tested it on windows, and repackaged it. Please try this one @DataBeast-IT:

vscode-vyper-0 0 10 png -> vsix

On the windows box:

  • saving a changed .vy gives a [compiler success] popup
  • using the command palette doing Vyper:compile gives the same popup

So that is working now 👍


  • on opening a .vy file, the extension compiles the smart contract right away and shows the popup.
  • there is no output file created, debug / output windows in VScode show nothing. Within the open folder there are no new files.

How do I find my output? I tried adding some vyper parameters. It still compiles but nothing changes.

we currently dont save these artifacts. the compile step is basically used to detect if there are any compile-time issues with your code.

happy to implement that though, shouldn't be a lot of work.

Ah ok! That makes sense!

Thanks for your help!

fixed in #5

feel free to open a new issue if you want the extension to actually output bytecode somehow.

cheers and thanks for testing!