To develop install nodejs and the following packages globally:
- gulp
- bower
- tsd
then run:
- bower install
- npm install
- tsd reinstall --save --overwrite
Structure This webapp is build using TypeScript and CSS (postcss with cssnext) and follows most of john pappas angular styleguide.
The meaning of the directories: app/ -- contains all your source code (meaning not the compiled output nor any vendor libs) app/components/ -- contains components which are directories with a controller, a template and optionally styles and tests app/core/ -- contains the web apps core files, meaning the module declaration, the modules configuration, routes and run method. app/core/app.constants.ts -- a file that is created from the chosen configuration in the /config dir (not in git) config/ -- environment configuration, used to create a constant file that is injected into the web app config/ -- any files added here will be included in the distribution builds if the environment matches
snippets/ -- snippets for creating the angular files used in this web app snippets/file_templates -- for editors that do not support snippets snippets/sublime_text_3 -- snippets for sublime text 3 bower_components/ -- bower files (not in git) node_modules/ -- npm files (not in git) .tmp/ -- generated files (app.js and app.css) (not in git) typings/ -- tsd files dist/ -- output after running 'gulp build'