
Deprecation of Accounts

Kinnardian opened this issue · 1 comments

Bitcoind's accounts feature is due to be deprecated, along with the associated move command, and has many implementation issues:

What will coinbridge's future be in this case?

Good question! The accounts feature is really only used for coinbridge's payment function (convenience function that uses bitcoind's move if possible and sendfrom if not). Once accounts are deprecated, payment will always just make an ordinary Bitcoin transaction. So I guess remove https://github.com/tinybike/coinbridge/blob/master/coinbridge/__init__.py#L161-L178 to future proof it.

Coinbridge's main functionality is recording Bitcoin transactions in a database for you (i.e., push notifications -- no polling required, yay). This isn't dependent on the accounts feature. Honestly I don't remember why I included payment with this package; looking at it now it seems pretty unrelated...