
Not working on latest versions (?)

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to get this running in a new project using
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12", "react-native": "0.48.4",

I installed, and run it on the device. However when I try to call DropboxClient.openChooser(), I get an error related to DropboxClient being undefined.
Basically, DropboxChooser is not part of NativeModules, so
let DropboxManager = NativeModules.DropboxChooser; (from DropboxChooser.js)
results in DropboxManager being undefined.

Is this related to React-Native upgrades since this repo was last updated, or did I just mess up the installation somewhere?

Any ideas?


Im also encoutering this issue any help please

TypeError: Cannot read property 'openChooser' of null Im having this issue...