One of my favorites resources for quickly finding named CSS colors is 147 Colors | CSS Color Names. It's a great resource if all you need is the named color. But sometimes I want the hex code or RGB value for a particular color so I can create tints, tones, and hues.
I decided to make a React project with a bit of additional information about the named colors. I'm a newish React developer, so I use React whenever it makes sense. For this project, I'm creating a json object of color data, and building out a few components to display that information. Visitors to the site will be able select a color and find out more information about it. They'll also be able to sort colors by hue family (reds, blues, etc.).
I'll be brainstorming additional features while I'm working on the basic project, and probably for awhile afterward. I'm not trying to recreate colour lovers, coolors, or other palette-oriented web app, so I don't want to go crazy with user accounts and whatnot. But I might do things like add a color picker, which is relatively easy, and possibly an add to clipboard feature so people can easily copy pieces of color data. We'll see.
I borrowed from or used these resources:
- create-react-app best react boilerplate for small projects
- 147 colors the inspiration for this project
- TinyColor my new favorite thing
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