
Missing newline at the end of error returns

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm not completely sure if it's only with erroneous returns, but usually if a command fails, there is no newline at the end of the error message.


std::exception::what: Impossible to localize the working directory /home/dev/mosze-projects on the remote build
● [err] Something went wrong, for help on your issue, we would enjoy getting your report at https://tipi.build/#contactroot@fbd8a81d9ea4:/home/dev/mosze-projects# 

Not a big deal, but not nice.

Yes there is actually a worse bug behind this. Without the newline means we didn't call all cleanup operation that should have. Definitely a good catch. 👍

Hi @sandordargo we finally managed to resolve this one. I hope you'll find v0.0.32 nicer in terms of UI consistency - we made quite a push on that end 😃

Resolved in v0.0.32 / https://github.com/tipi-build/cli/releases/tag/v0.0.32

Definitely, it's a great improvement! Thanks, guys!