
"Failed to create build folder symlink"

hassan-pdx opened this issue · 2 comments

I get the following local build errors:

⚠️ Failed to create build folder symlink - proceeding without (run again with -vvv to get more details)
⚠️ Failed to create build folder symlink - proceeding without (run again with -vvv to get more details)
ikalnytskyi/termcolor up-to-date check.

  • done.
    ● [err] Dynamic exception type: class std::bad_alloc
    std::exception::what: bad allocation
    ● [err] Something went wrong, for help on your issue, we would enjoy getting your report at https://tipi.build/#contact


Thank you @hassan-pdx for your report.

Nice to see you trying tipi and thanks for the great report with the attached example, we rely on the Symlinks support on Windows.

Which windows version and which tipi version are you using ? tipi -h should tell you at the top of the output.

The bad_alloc is not clear to me and It feels to me that you are using an older version because you have got a .tipi/id file generated, that by the way has a **** in it, I suppose you anonymized the information manually ?

Regarding the symlink warning you can enable them by enabling developer mode in Windows Settings :

  1. Click on Privacy & security.
  2. Select the For developers page on the right side.
  3. Turn on the Developer Mode toggle switch to enable the feature.

Or run in an elevated powershell : PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" /t REG_DWORD /f /v "AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense" /d "1"

c.f. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/get-started/developer-mode-features-and-debugging#use-powershell-to-enable-your-device

Hi Damien,

Well, Developer Mode is already enabled on my machine.

And I'm using Windows 10 and tipi - v0.0.56 - c++ companion.

By the way, I've just installed tipi this morning following the Onboarding Wizard steps, so I assume it's the latest?

And yes, I anonymized the username.