Filenames with carriage returns are improperly written to manifest
nkrabben opened this issue · 3 comments
nkrabben commented
Any carriage return in a filename (Icon^M is a common system file with this feature) is stripped when it is written to the filename. According to the bagit spec, filenames should be percent encoded.
This was also a bug in the bagit-python and bagit-java
To reproduce, on the command line
mkdir testbag
touch testbag/Icon^M
bagit baginplace testbag
bagit verifyvalid testbag
To create Icon^M on the command line, press ctrl+v and then enter.
little9 commented
nkrabben commented
Bagger and bagit-python add the following line to the manifest.
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e data/Icon%0D
little9 commented
@nkrabben I've been working on this application over here:
I'm not sure if @tipr is still active.