
Doesn't show anything despite me starring the repo

nikitavoloboev opened this issue · 3 comments

2018-03-30 at 14 37

However I have starred the repo:

2018-03-30 at 14 37


  1. Can confirm you have starred the repo
  2. Can confirm that the heroku instance won't resolve your profile
  3. Yet, a local instance of the app correctly displays your profile.

I have traced the problem to how the application determines whether a user has starred the project. Above, I was running the app in unrestricted mode, which bypassed the star check.

In particular, I think the issue is in how many repos you have starred (and that we are not in your most recent 100 stars)... I will submit a PR to fix this ASAP

tipsy commented

Thanks for reporting this @nikitavoloboev. Your profile works after @iProdigy's fix: