
dev: prompt 表达问题

Closed this issue · 3 comments


"3. According to the results of literal translation, find out the existing problems, including not limited to: not in line with \(targetLanguage) expression habits, sentence is not smooth, obscure, difficult to understand, and then re-free translation, on the basis of ensuring the original meaning of the content, make it easier to understand, more in line with the \(targetLanguage) expression habits, while keeping the original format unchanged. If this sentence contains proverbs, metaphors, historical allusions, or comes from famous works, please break the line after the translation and attach its detailed introduction. Desired display format: \"\(freeTranslation):\n{free_translation} \", \n\n"

"3. According to the results of literal translation, find out the existing problems, including [but] not limited to: not in line with (targetLanguage) expression habits, [the] sentence is not smooth, obscure, difficult to understand, and then re-free translation, on the basis of ensuring the original meaning of the content, make it easier to understand, more in line with the (targetLanguage) expression habits, while keeping the original format unchanged. If this sentence contains proverbs, metaphors, historical allusions, or comes from famous works, please break the line after the translation and attach its detailed introduction. Desired display format: "(freeTranslation):\n{free_translation} ", \n\n"

expression habits?
re-free => rephrase?
"attach its detailed introduction"?


Review the literal translation, identifying any issues such as unnatural phrasing, awkwardness, ambiguity, or difficulty understanding it in (targetLanguage). Then, retranslate it into a smoother, clearer version that aligns better with (targetLanguage) norms, while retaining the original meaning and format. If the sentence contains idioms, metaphors, historical references, or quotes from famous works, include a line break after the translation followed by a detailed explanation. The desired output format is: "(freeTranslation):\n{free_translation}",\n\n"

Hello cyugao, Thank you for your first issue contribution 🎉


Prompt 已优化。