
Tour Manager: [Create Tour] - Step 2 - Add Guests

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As a user, I want to be able to add the guests that are going to join the tour at the second step of the tour creation.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. At the second step/tab of the tour creation process user should be able to add all the guests that are going to join the tour
  2. At the top of the popup there should be a search field, where the user can search through the following fields:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Passport Number
  1. When searching by any of the above mentioned fields, the system should show the list of matching guests, that have been added from Guests page
  2. In the displayed search results the first name/last name/email/passport number should be displayed for the user to be able to select the correct guest, in case of matching first name/last name
  3. Below the search popup there should be a message saying: Please make sure to search for the guests in the system before adding a new one.
  4. Below the search field, the following fields should be available for the users to add the guests, if they do not already exist in the system:
  • First Name - input field - Required
  • Last Name - input field - Required
  • Phone Number - input field - validate the phone number format?
  • Email address - input field - Required - validate the email address format
  • Date of Birth - calendar input - Required
  • Place of Birth - input field
  • Passport Number - Input field - Required
  • Issued by - Input field
  • Issue Date - input field
  • Expire Date - input field
  • Notes - text field
  1. Under the fields there should be a table where the added guests should be added
  2. The table should have the following columns:
  • Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Passport Number
  • Issued by
  • Issue Date
  • Expire Date
  • Notes
  1. At the end of each row there should be Remove link
  2. When clicking on Remove link, the added guest should be removed
  3. There should be a Main Contact checkbox next to the fields where the guest is being added
  4. If the Main Contact checkbox is checked, the guest should be shown in bold
  5. There should Back: Tour Details button and when clicking on it, user should be navigated back to the Tour Details screen
  6. There should be Next: Add Hotels button and when clicking on it user should be navigated to the next step of adding a tour - where they can add the hotels
  7. Table rows should be inline editable?

Mockup Link: https://share.balsamiq.com/c/5S8wk7VM5Ve4SZATeSpFfj.png