
NULL Reference Exception - AddGroup

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear everyone,
I'm getting a NULL reference error while adding the group. ie: in line -> opcDaGroup = server.AddGroup("Group");
Please help me out what's the issue and how to overcome the same.

    public OpcDaGroup opcDaGroup;

    private void StartConnection(string Cls_Id, string Machine_IpAddress)
            log.Debug("START - Starting the connection");
            Uri url = UrlBuilder.Build(Cls_Id, Machine_IpAddress);
            server = new OpcDaServer(url);
            log.Debug("END   - Starting the connection");
        catch (Exception e)
            log.Error("Could not connect to the OPC server for the IpAddress: {0}", e);

    public OpcDaAdapterThreadImpl(string Cls_Id, string Machine_IpAddress, string name, ICollection<TagConfigurationModel> tags)
        this.Cls_Id = Cls_Id;
        this.Machine_IpAddress = Machine_IpAddress;
        this.name = name;
        this.AdapterReady = true;
        Tags = tags;
        var group = tags.GroupBy(c => new { ItemName = c.TagName }).Select(c => c.Key).Distinct();
        grouptags = group.Select(c => new TagConfigurationModel { TagName = c.ItemName }).ToList();
        opcTagItems = grouptags.Select(c => new OpcDaItemDefinition { ItemId = c.TagName, IsActive = true }).ToList();
        // Connection Initializing
        StartConnection(Cls_Id, Machine_IpAddress);
        if (server.IsConnected)
            // Add group to the server
            opcDaGroup = server.AddGroup("Group");
            opcDaGroup.IsActive = true;

            // Add Items to group

Try to build your application in x86 CPU platform.

Any update on this issue, currently running as x86 and build with prefer x86 and still errors.

Take a look at this solution. It can be a pure .NET client application without using any SDK and DCOM.