
Exiting from shen-scheme?

doug719 opened this issue · 8 comments

chez scheme allows an exit with CTRL-d. I have tried this, (cl.exit) (scheme.exit) (exit) and (chez.exit), but none worked. Using CTRL-c to exit does not seem graceful or correct.

tizoc commented

@doug719 (scm.exit). Btw, you can access all Chez functions by using the scm. prefix.

tizoc commented

I agree about the ctrl-d issue, will look into it when I have time.

Regarding rlwrap, not sure why %N doesn't work (not even sure what it does internally). The Shen REPL provides !3 to repeat the command at prompt 3, although it is not exactly what you want (if I understood you right, the rlwrap version lets you edit the command).

FYI, if you use rlwrap you can specific key bindings fro shen-scheme in your .inputrc. eg.:

$if shen-scheme 
  "\C-e": '(scm.exit)\C-m'

This will let you exit with Ctrl-e. I don't think you can re-bind Ctrl-d though.