
[improvement] Handle @return description the same as @param description.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The .description value for an @param tag is a <ul>, but the .description for @return is a <p>, so they render differently even though the descriptions are the same format. This would make it easier for template parts be visually in unison. For example, in the screenshots the descriptions look different (the <ul> is indented, while the <p> isn't):

screen shot 2016-05-15 at 8 54 19 pm

For now, a simple workaround on my end is to wrap the HTML with a <ul class="description"> for @return tags:

ul.description p {
  display: list-item

Though the fix for this is probably easy, but gotta clone a repo, make PR, etc.. Maybe I can find some time later...

This may just be a subset of #181