
Bump verision no

ChrisCraig68 opened this issue · 4 comments

Would it be possible for you to bump the version number? I think the latest commit to bump deps is causing yarn install issues due to yarn not bein able to generate an integrity SHA.

I'm confused, are you installing dox from github or something? The current commit shouldn't have any bearing on the install of the published package.

I don't like to bump versions until I'm ready to publish something new.

the latest commit to bump deps is causing yarn install issues due to yarn not bein able to generate an integrity SHA.

In this case checkout one of the tagged commits / releases.

@Twipped can we update jsdoctypeparser and publish a new version? There are currently 3 high vulnerabilities connected to dox dependency to jsdoctypeparser@^1.2.0. All of them are patched in jsdoctypeparser@>=4.17.12.

@christian-bromann Nope, we can't. See #187

Nobody wants to write a pull request to update for all the breaking changes, and I don't have time to do it.