
How to uninstall software installed by gobinaries /missing docs

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I just installed a piece of software and it magically works. However I did not find any documentation on how to change (update, uninstall) software installed by gobinaires.
Of course I can just remove the binary from my filesystem, but are there any leftovers then?
Also it would be nice if there was a piece of documentation on this (what happens on my system when I install an app? How do I remove/update it?).

i am having the same question, strange there is no documentation on it @peteole

@peteole , i found the solution, you just have to delete the script from /usr/local/bin

For further readers,
You can get rid of it if you didn’t define a PREFIX while downloading which is talked about on the website.

if PREFIX was defined by you on the curl request, you delete from that
If not, you delete from /usr/local/bin