
Is this module eventual support them all?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Not sure about the intent, did notice if things in the code comments, just to make it easy, I am listing out all the features that curl supports:

  • MultipleURLs
  • Username/Password
  • IPv6Support
  • RetryFailed
  • URLGlobbing/Sequences
  • NativeWin32
  • LargeFile
  • GnuTLSSupport
  • DarwinSSLSupport
  • SchannelSupport
  • CyasslSupport
  • PolarSSLSupport
  • AxTLSSupport
  • SSLSession
  • SSLPrivate
  • .netrcSupport
  • MetalinkSupport
  • IDNSupport
  • BandwidthLimiting
  • HappyEyeballs
  • SOCKSyes
  • SCPupload/download
  • SFTPupload/download
  • HTTPProxy
  • HTTPResume
  • HTTPRanges
  • FollowHTTP
  • CookieSupport
  • HTTP1.1
  • HTTP2
  • HTTP2
  • HTTP2
  • HTTPPersistent
  • HTTPSyes
  • HTTPDigest
  • HTTPNegotiate
  • HTTPMultipart
  • HTTPdeflate/gzip
  • FTPResume
  • FTPRanges
  • FTPActive
  • FTPUpload
  • FTPKerberos
  • FTPConnection
tj commented

I won't personally need any of those for now but possible a few more in the future

Okies, cool, it would be nice to keep it open and see if someone else would need these features.

@hemanth do you know other libs which supports the maximum cases you've listed above?