
Remote log: Encryption, alternate servers, documentation

tjanson opened this issue · 0 comments

The remote logging feature sends anonymous yet potentially identifiable, sensitive data to my server. In the future, we want to publish this data or derivatives of it.

It is very important to:

  • inform the user that this is happening and what data is being transmitted,
    • add text to Readme & in the forums
    • add splash screen or similar to app
  • get the user’s consent,
    • currently an opt-out checkbox (very visible) – in combination with informing the user as described above I think that’s enough
  • encrypt the connection,
  • think about data ownership, privacy v. openness, esp. w. regards to publication
    • possibly discuss this in the forums

I also want to let the users change the server to which they log, so they can run their own if they want to.

  • figure out how to configure Logback programatically at run-time