
select date ?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

xxdd commented

Great project! I like it

I select 2012-12-15 ,but output Selected date = 2012-12-14 16:00:00 +0000, why?
can you help me?

I have same problem. Please help.

Must be because of the date time selector in the NSDate category. I have no time to fix it but I'm sure you can find the answer there.

Does your component have an open source license? I am using your VRGCalendarView component with another component I am developing and would like to distribute your calendar view with my component. Since it is on Github is there an Open Source license? The header files have a copyright? Thank you and nice component.

It's MIT license. Go ahead.

thank you.

Can you please give a fix to this issue? I cannot fix it. Thanks in advances

Could anyone solve this issue or found a workaround?

I have placed the following code
[formatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"GMT"]];
but still got a previous date.