
A shell script to check the current AirPort/Wi-Fi SSID and take actions depending on which SSID it finds

Primary LanguageShell


A shell script to check the current AirPort/Wi-Fi SSID and take actions depending on which SSID it finds.

The airport command

The airport command can be found at


It has been there at least since 10.6 and the syntax (AFAIK) has not changed.

I do this as part of my initial setup of a new Mac:

cd /usr/local/bin

ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport .

That way I have the airport command in my $PATH and if Apple updates it, I will still be using the current version.

The simple version

At its core, this script is really built around one line:

airport -I | awk -F': ' '/ SSID/{print $NF}'

That will show you the current SSID that you are connected to. If you are not connected to any AirPort/Wi-Fi networks, it will not show anything.

The slightly more complicated version

If you want to be able to determine whether or not the AirPort card is turned off, use this:

airport -I | egrep 'AirPort: Off|^ *SSID: ' | sed 's#^ *SSID: ##g'

If you get an SSID of

AirPort: Off

then you know that it is off.

If you need to turn the AirPort card on, you can do that with this:

networksetup -setairportpower enX on

where "X" is probably either 0 or 1. You can probably find out by:

Hacky-but-shorter way:

	networksetup -setairportpower enX off 2>&1 |\
	awk -F' ' '/:/{print $NF}'

Cleaner way:

	networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder |\
	awk -F' ' '/(Wi-Fi|AirPort)/{print $NF}' |\
	awk -F')' '/^en/{print $1}'