
A Raspberry Pi + Wunderlist e-ink desktop to-do list

Primary LanguagePython


A Raspberry Pi + Wunderlist e-ink desktop to-do list

With the combination of a raspberry pi and a PaPiRus display, this app will allow you to create a to do list that can sit on your desk/bedside table which will always display all the To-Dos that you have yet to complete. Saves you getting distracted by your phone when picking it up to check your To-Dos.


Note: Only tested on Raspberry Pi Model B, Gen. 1

  1. Get yourself a Raspberry Pi and a PaPiRus display.
  2. Follow the PaPiRus software installation instructions at: https://github.com/PiSupply/PaPiRus
  3. Install wunderpy2 by following the instructions here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wunderpy2/0.1.4
  4. Optional: Change raspi-config
  5. Open terminal and type sudo raspi-config
  6. Select boot options.
  7. Choose B2 Console Autologin
  8. Get to-do-ing!

PaPiRus bugs I've come across.

Restarting the pi stops all functions working.


Add the following to your .bashrc:

sudo service epd-fuse start

PapirusImage using image.write('blah.jpg')

NameError: global name 'epd' is not defined


  1. Head to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/papirus
  2. sudo nano image.py
  3. Add from epd import EPD to the list of import.
  4. And add epd = EPD() within the write() funtion.
