
Change de style from principal button

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Change de style from principal button

Hey @dspwebstudiomx, could you elaborate more on this issue? ๐Ÿ˜…

I need to change the backgroundColor of this and add padding to view the logo more small

Hey @dspwebstudiomx, you're probably looking at the chatButtonStyle and tooltipStyle which you can find here:

No, I need to change de gradient backgroundcolor, with no color, and adapt my logo size.

Hmm you can tinker with primaryColor and secondaryColor, or target the CSS classes directly. That said, buttons/icons in general have been rather inconsistent in the style props they provide. If you wait a couple days, I'll release an update with new style props that'll separate button styling from icon styling to make things more convenient.

Hey @dspwebstudiomx, bump the library up to v2.0.0-beta.5, you'll then be able to use chatButtonStyle and chatIconStyle to achieve your desired modifications ๐Ÿ˜Š

Seeing as you have emoted I assume this is resolved :P Feel free to reach out if there're more issues again ๐Ÿ˜Š