
All 404?

absolutelysimon opened this issue · 4 comments

Tried installing the app on the django tutorial project. All pages go to a 404. When the middleware is commented out and runserver is used, the 404's disappear and obviously the livereload doesn't function. This is on Windows 7, python 3.6, django 1.10.5

Did you follow the instructions and run both livereload and runserver? Sounds to me like you are only running ./ livereload.

If I run python ./ livereload, then python ./ runserver I get the following error from runserver:
"Error importing module: 'No module named 'livereload.MIDDLEWARE' ' "

You obviously have problems following the instructions but this is not a support forum.

Huh, I thought I followed them to a T, but I could be wrong. I'm new to git, is there somewhere else I should be talking about support for this app?