
"No module named livereload.MIDDLEWARE" on runserver

absolutelysimon opened this issue · 2 comments

Install goes fine

./ livereload executes without a problem

./ runserver fails with "Error importing module: 'No module named 'livereload.MIDDLEWARE' ' "

Hey come on, please check your settings before spamming the issue tracker. That error is not from this module's code. Do you know how to check a traceback? I think you forgot that Python is case sensitive and wrote "MIDDLEWARE" in caps in your MIDDLEWARE setting.

Oh, sorry. That was indeed the error. I'm really new to git and I'm not sure what's considered acceptable. Is there somewhere else I should be posting this?

Bah, though now I can access the page but it won't live-reload when I change the template. I think I'm just gonna give up and go to sleep.