
textContentType = .oneTimeCode not displaying code from sms

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I really love this textfield.

I was using the feature textContentType = .oneTimeCode but was not getting the code from sms.

I tried setting autocorrectionType = .yes to try and make the grey bar appear but I was not successful.

Any suggestion would help. Thank you!!

@HTJohn thanks for the appreciation.
Unfortunately, auto-fill won't work with PinCodeTextField.

Apple doc on auto-fill
iOS supports Password AutoFill on UITextField, UITextView, and any custom view that adopts the UITextInput protocol.

PinCodeTextField is based on another protocol (UIKeyInput) which is a lot simpler to implement and is enough for simple code input.

Custom control implementation that is based on UITextInput, requires to define a complex text input system which seems to be too complicated for the task of PIN code entering, especially if the only reason of implementation is an auto-fill.

If you need to support an auto-fill in your text input I would suggest to use UITextField or UITextView and customize it.

Thanks Oleksandr for your advice. I appreciate it! I will look into that.