
Output Keystrokes

Opened this issue · 3 comments

18 bytes


My answer

Try it:)

                   # Input is automatically pushed to the stack.
ʋ                  # Vectorize the string into an array of characters.
 115               # Push on the string literal "115" to be used to create the delays.
    ṡ              # Swap the two items on the stack.

     ḶƙÞṡạḌ100.ṡ€  # The main loop for the animation.
     Ḷ             # Loops the following code based off of the length of the string.
      ƙ            # Push on the current iteration's element of the character array (essentially a foreach).
       Þ           # Pop off of the stack and push to the screen.
        ṡ          # Swap the string "115" and he array of characters (this is done because need array of characters on the top for the loop to know how many times to loop)
         ạ         # Grab the next character in the string "115" (essentially a natural animation cmd that every time called on the same object will access the next item looping)
                   # Also, turns the string into an array of characters.
          Ḍ100.    # Pop the character off and convert to a number then multiply by 100 to get the correct delay. Then delay for that many ms.
               ṡ   # Swap the items again to compensate for the one earlier.
                €  # The end of the loop.

                 ß # Clears the screen such that when implicit popping of the stack occurs it will display the correct output.

Possible future 11 byte solution.


15 bytes


Try it:)

                # Input is automatically pushed to the stack.
ʋ               # Vectorize the string into an array of characters.
 115            # Push on the string literal "115" to be used to create the delays.
    ṡ           # Swap the two items on the stack.

     ḶƙÞṡạḌOṡ€  # The main loop for the animation.
     Ḷ          # Loops the following code based off of the length of the string.
      ƙ         # Push on the current iteration's element of the character array (essentially a foreach).
       Þ        # Pop off of the stack and push to the screen.
        ṡ       # Swap the string "115" and he array of characters (this is done because need array of characters on the top for the loop to know how many times to loop)
         ạ      # Grab the next character in the string "115" (essentially a natural animation cmd that every time called on the same object will access the next item looping)
                # Also, turns the string into an array of characters.
          ḌO    # Pop the character off and convert to a number then multiply by 100 to get the correct delay. Then delay for that many ms.
            ṡ   # Swap the items again to compensate for the one earlier.
             €  # The end of the loop.

              ß # Clears the screen such that when implicit popping of the stack occurs it will display the correct output.

11 bytes


Try it:)

            # Input is automatically pushed to the stack.
¥           # Turns off auto popping.
 115        # Push on the string literal "115" to be used to create the delays.
    ṡ       # Swap the two items on the stack.

     ḞƙÞạḌO # The main loop for the animation.
     Ḟ      # Loops the following code over each character of the string consuming off of the stack.
      ƙ     # Push on the current iteration's element of the character array (essentially a foreach).
       Þ    # Pop off of the stack and push to the screen.
        ạ   # Grab the next character in the string "115" (essentially a natural animation cmd that every time called on the same object will access the next item looping)
         ḌO # Pop the character off and convert to a number then multiply by 100 to get the correct delay. Then delay for that many ms.