
Ignoring function arguments with ttl_cache

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi folks! I need to ignore some params of a function decorated with @ttl_cache


@ttl_cache(maxsize=1024, ttl=600)
def my_func(foo, ignore_bar, ignore_baz):
    # do stuff

Working that way, I get this:

>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar", "ignore_baz")         # cache miss
>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar", "ignore_baz")         # cache hit
>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar_bar", "ignore_baz_baz") # cache miss!

What I need:

>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar", "ignore_baz")         # cache miss
>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar", "ignore_baz")         # cache hit
>>> my_func("foo", "ignore_bar_bar", "ignore_baz_baz") # cache hit!!!!!

It looks like there isn't any straightforward way to do that (see this thread in SO), but I might be wrong

tkem commented

Please see the answer on SO, posting generic questions there and reserving GitHub Issues for bug reports is encouraged ;-)

Ok, got it. Thank you @tkem :)

(For those interested, see #131)