
Vlan CNI switch=ipvlan ipvlan_mode=l3, l3s do not send gratuitous arp

blue-troy opened this issue · 4 comments

in code

if d.IpVlanMode == "l3" || d.IpVlanMode == "l3s" {
		_ = utils.SendGratuitousARP(d.Device, result.IP4.IP.IP.String(), "", d.GratuitousArpRequest)
		return nil

we want to send gratuitous arp.but we in code

if d.MacVlanMode() || d.IPVlanMode() {
		return nil
	if d.PureMode() {
		if err := d.initPureModeArgs(); err != nil {
			return err
		return utils.EnableNonlocalBind()

wo did not set EnableNonlocalBind for ipvlan l3 l3s mode. and we ignore the utils.SendGratuitousARP error result.

if SendGratuitousARP problem solved,there till will be a arp cache problem. but i think we should solve this problem first.

@blue-troy with you patch, is the problem solved?

@blue-troy with you patch, is the problem solved?
in my test environment,the problem solved.did not you?

I don't have an environment to test it. I'm closing the issue, thanks for reporting.