
Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

JuliaCLI: Command line interface framework for Julia without JIT-compilation overhead

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Note: JuliaCLI does not work on Windows at the moment.


(1.x) pkg> add https://github.com/tkf/JSONRPC.jl

(1.x) pkg> dev https://github.com/tkf/JuliaCLI.jl

(Note: I use dev for JuliaCLI.jl so that jlcli script would be at the stable location.)

$ ln -s ~/.julia/dev/JuliaCLI/jlcli/jlcli.py ~/bin/jlcli

In the above command, I'm assuming ~/bin is in $PATH.

Run CLI backend server

$ cd ~/.julia/dev/JuliaCLI/scripts

$ ./serve.jl

Use JULIA_CLI_REVISE=true ./serve.jl instead if you want to reload updates in the CLI worker processes (recommended).

Example: instantaneous REPL

$ jlcli --usemain --eval 'Base.run_main_repl(true, false, true, true, false)'

First run takes some time. But if you exit once and re-run the same command, it is instantaneous.

Example: jlfmt

jlfmt is a command-line interface to JuliaFormatter.jl.

(1.x) pkg> dev https://github.com/tkf/jlfmt
$ ln -s ~/.julia/dev/jlfmt/bin/jlfmt ~/bin

$ jlfmt --help  # first run takes some time