
React performance talk/workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Performance Essentials

React performance talk/workshop

All exercises require:

  • npm install && npm start


When entering a hex color the app is blocking all the time.

  • identify & solve the performance issue

Together: How to identify a performance issue in React


When creating a new item name the whole app seems to render

  • identify & solve the performance issue

Together: How to push state down


When entering a hex color the app is blocking all the time. In the previous exercise we've learned how to push state down. Try to figure out a dolution

  • Identify the issue
  • Give it a try in this game


Our boss Maureen wants to move components a little bit around. She wants the expensive component to be in the middle of the game. For obvious reasons.

  • See what happens.
  • How to make sure our game remains performant by entering a hex color


Earlier we've optimized the packing list. But clearly when interacting with the rest of the application a lot of rerenders are being triggered. Lets see what useCallback, useMemo & memo brings.

  • Identify the performance issue and come up with a solution. What tools to use when and how?

Together: Multiple solutions are possible. What is the prefered one.

  • Try useReducer to optimize even further. (Reducers are prepared)