
User permissions of target folder

hardstonepaul opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm try to install Prestashop on the parent folder of my target folder but I can't because the user Apache don't have recursive permissions on this folder.
Recursive write permissions for Apache user on ~/img/
What can I do?. The syncing process are running in background? how can reset the permissions of the target folder?
I use CentOS 7 and python 3.8.2 and this code:
from dirsync import sync
dirA = '/dirA/public_html/img/p'
dirB = '/dirB/public_html/img/p'
dirC = '/dirC/public_html/img/p'
sync(dirA, dirB, 'sync')
sync(dirA, dirC, 'sync')
Thanks in advance for your reply and your work.

I found the answer only with this code:
sudo chmod 777 -R /dirB/public_html/img