
v1.3.1 is missing in

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Updated it now (thanks!). And, no, #124 is still in the dev branch. If it's important I'll release a 1.3.2 with it.

jedie commented

Thanks for the info ;)

No it's not so really important... But why not release it?

Btw. maybe it should be 1.4.0, because all calculations will be changed a little bit... I have not yet looked at how much the change really amounts to. With real data.

I deployed 1.3.2 now. Well, maybe you're right, it should be 1.4.0, but for most users the difference is minimal:

puzz ~/projects/gpxpy ((v1.3.0)) $ python -m unittest test.GPXTests.test_haversine_and_nonhaversine
haversine_dist= 15725.3333409
nonhaversine_dist= 15714.7411051


puzz ~/projects/gpxpy (master>) $ python -m unittest test.GPXTests.test_haversine_and_nonhaversine
haversine_dist= 15742.9493673
nonhaversine_dist= 15742.9533636

So, for nonhaversine distance that's:

>>> 15714.7411051 / 15742.9533636

Just the typical GPS error you get is an order of magnitude bigger problem than this.