
time.Time no longer automatically converted to Date

AntiPaste opened this issue · 3 comments

The README states that This is how now time.Time is managed in the library by default. which was true as of commit c68aad5:

// manage time.Time automatically
result = result.ManageType(time.Time{}, "Date", "new Date(__VALUE__)")

However as of commit a7a821d this seems to be missing.

Can this functionality be restored or should the README be corrected?

Hm, just a moment, the README says:

converter := New()
converter.ManageType(time.Time{}, TypeOptions{TSType: "Date", TSTransform: "new Date(__VALUE__)"})


result = result.ManageType(time.Time{}, "Date", "new Date(__VALUE__)")

Also, there is a test for this ManageType in

Am I missing something?

Sorry, let me rephrase.

Previously the library had code to handle time.Time conversion to Javascript Date automatically (see here). This meant that time.Time was automatically converted to Javascript Date when using the command-line tool tscriptify or the library.

Somewhere in commit a7a821d this code was removed. (see here)

This means that when using the command-line tool tscriptify or the library with default settings, time.Time is no longer converted to Javascript Date objects.

The README says:

This is how now time.Time is managed in the library by default.

Which is not the case, since that automatic conversion code has been removed.

Ah, yes, I see. You're right. I changed the README now, thanks!