Pending releae notes (will try to remove 5.0.1 release in my repo to have builds with same master versioning again)
tlaurion opened this issue · 0 comments
tlaurion commented
Github requires tags to be associated to releases. This is what was in my repo for 5.0.1 release (in the goal of testing release under github, which is not relevant as of now)
The following were traces of notes taken. Putting them here to not loose them
It is a long list of changes for a project that since v0.2.1 was a rolling release.
A quick recap
- Some tools are not reproducible across distributions as of now, including busybox.
- linuxboot doesn't depend on a fixed commit ID and as a consequence will not be reproducible in time for a specific commit ID of Heads.
- Builds are happening in CircleCI as of now
- Most boards now depend on FBWhiptail/Whiptail (gui-init) not generic-init as per v2.0.1
- most xx20 and xx30 boards now have maximized builds (which can be externally flashable and taking ME neutered space re-localized into BIOS region). As a side effect, GBE (generated. Fixed MAC to DE:AD:C0:FF:EE unless extracted per additional script) and IFD(extracted without legal issues, can be replaced manually) are inside of the blobs/xx20 and blobs/xx30 directories. If you intend to have ME downloaded, neutered and placed in the righ place, please run the proper download script under blob directory prior of following build instructions. The result is complete externally flashable ROMs, where next firmware upgrae will overwrite the whole SPI combined/flash ROM, not just the BIOS section as previously.
Hopefully I can edit those tags later on, this is a test to then test Github releases, so that CircleCI can upload artifacts for releases, since CircleCI deletes CI artifacts after 30 days, which is extremely inconvenient.