
Let's document: util-linux

vitorhcl opened this issue · 1 comments

Command description

A collection of essential utilities for Linux system management tasks like device control, terminal logins and many others. On the date that this issue is being opened, we have a bit more than 50% of the commands documented.
Obs.: the fsck documentation link is just an example of command man page.




Additional information

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Thanks for this issue @vitorhcl, in future I would suggest checking if the issue exists already and updating it instead of creating a duplicate one. In this case, this has been tracked in #2214 for the past few years.

I noticed that your list contains some new commands not shown in the other issue. Some commands have been documented in common but are marked as not added above (will fix it now).

So what I will do now is close the old issue and inform others that it is being tracked here (so that we can bring more awareness to the missing pages).

Edit. Done, marked pages in common as completed.