
Page modification request: act

iTrooz opened this issue · 3 comments

Command description

I think the following examples are wrong:

  - [l]ist the available actions:
    act -l
  - Run a specific [a]ction:
    act -a action_id

I think what tldr refers to as "actions" here are really "jobs", and the -a flag is for something else (simulated github user)

I would propose this:

  - [l]ist the available jobs/workflows:
    act -l
  - Run a specific [j]ob:
    act -j job_id

Command details

act 0.2.57


act --help



Additional information

No response

Looks good to me, that's what the documentation says. Feel free to open a PR 🙂

Thanks ! But I have one issue

How should I deal with existing files in other languages ? I need to change the word "action" to "job", but I don't know every language in there

Thanks ! But I have one issue

How should I deal with existing files in other languages ? I need to change the word "action" to "job", but I don't know every language in there

You could just update the English page and leave the translation pages as it is for native speakers to update it later.