
MAINTAINERS: add @fazlearefin as collaborator

kbdharun opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, @fazlearefin! You seem to be enjoying contributing to the tldr-pages project.
You now have had five distinct pull requests merged!
That qualifies you to become a collaborator in this repository, as explained in our community roles documentation.

As a collaborator, you will have commit access to the repository.
That means you can merge pull requests, label and close issues, and perform various other maintenance tasks that are needed here and there.
Of course, all of this is voluntary — you're welcome to contribute to the project in whatever ways suit your liking.

If you do decide to start performing maintenance tasks, though, we only ask you to get familiar with the maintainer's guide.

So, what do you say? Can we add you as a collaborator?

Either way, thanks for all your work so far!

Hi @kbdharun ,

I am delighted to be invited to become a collaborator. Yes, I will gladly accept it.

You have already mentioned it, I will do what I can as I have a full time job. My interest lies in cleaning up and adding documentation to tools related to "red team" activities.


Congratulations and welcome to tldr. I have sent an invitation. Feel free to close this issue with a PR updating the file.