
Page request: objcopy

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Command description

The objcopy command is a utility that is part of the GNU Binutils suite. It is used to copy and translate object files.

Command details

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VCS repository link (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)

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Additional information

Copy and translate object files. More information:

  • Copy one object file to another:
    objcopy {{infile}} {{outfile}}

  • Translate object files from one format to another:
    objcopy -I {{input_format}} -O {{output_format}} {{infile}} {{outfile}}

  • Strip all symbol information:
    objcopy -S {{infile}} {{outfile}}

  • Strip debugging information:
    objcopy -g {{infile}} {{outfile}}

  • Copy a specific section from the source object file to the destination object file:
    objcopy -j {{section}} {{infile}} {{outfile}}

  • Create a binary image for a bootloader:
    objcopy -O binary -j .text {{bootloader.elf}} {{bootloader.bin}}

Thank you for writing a tldr page for this command!

Please note that the purpose of page request issues are just to request someone (or yourself) to write a page and to provide information for doing so.

I would like to ask you to open a pull request for getting used with our workflow and, if you want, making more contributions in the future ;)

You can either use the web interface or the terminal for this, see our guide:

Hi @q2333gh!

Could you please submit a PR for this page? Pages are better done by their users; however, if you can't, no problem, I can do that for you.


Added in #12765.