
Page request: jbrowse

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Command description

It's a command line tool for working with JBrowse 2, which is a genome browser that can display information about DNA and stuff.

Command details

Latest version is 2.10.1 which can be installed using npm




VCS repository link (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)

Additional information

No response

I would love to submit a PR if that's ok.

I just wanted to make sure that the .md file should be placed in pages/common/ directory.

I would love to submit a PR if that's ok.

I just wanted to make sure that the .md file should be placed in pages/common/ directory.

For sure, the tool is available for more than one platform (Linux, macOS and Windows), so it should be placed in the common directory.

Feel free to submit a PR :)