
MAINTAINERS: add @Magrid0 to Org

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, @Magrid0! After joining as a collaborator in the repository, you have been regularly performing maintenance tasks.

Thank you for that!

According to our community roles documentation, you've now met the thresholds to be effectively considered an active maintainer of the project.

To publicly acknowledge that fact, we'd like to add you to the tldr-pages organization.

If you accept the invitation, we ask you to make your membership public and (in case you don't already) start hanging out in our Matrix chat room.

Additionally, consider subscribing to the notifications from the various repositories under the tldr-pages organization.

As one of the public faces of the tldr-pages project, it's also especially important that you follow and encourage the project
governance principles

How does that sound? Are you up for it?

I'm absolutely up for it!

I'm absolutely up for it!

Congratulations, I have sent an invitation. Feel free to close this issue with a PR and also you set your membership to public at