
Page modification request: ! command title

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Command description

We should change the title of the ! (common) command from Exclamation mark to !.

  • This would be following the Style Guide: The filename and page title must match the command name exactly.
  • This will match the file name: !.md.
  • The name Exclamation mark is understandable for English speakers, but what about translations? In translations, the command name must be the same, so we can't translate them.

I ask for your opinion.

Command details

No response


No response



VCS repository link (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)

No response

Additional information

No response

That would require modifications to the CI pipeline as it errors out if ! is put as a name

That would require modifications to the CI pipeline as it errors out if ! is put as a name

There are no modifications required to the CI pipeline but rather to tldr-lint.

This page and other pages having symbols as command names can't be set as a title until we update tldr-lint to support it (as I mentioned in the previous discussions regarding the topic). Since there isn't a tracking issue in the tldr-lint repo, I will open one over there for the same.

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but isn't tldr-lint part of the pipeline?

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but isn't tldr-lint part of the pipeline?

Technically yes, but it isn't invoked directly in the CI but inside the script also with no modifications required I meant that we don't need to change the ignore rule filters for this addition.

Depedabot will automatically create a PR to bump tldr-lint version on package.json if there is a new release (we could do it too if it's the middle weeks of the month, as dependabot is scheduled to run on 1st).